Improvisation Assessment
Student's Name:     ________________________________________ Period: _______
Grade Level: _____
CATEGORY Excellent Good Fair Needs Improvement
Character Formed a well-defined character through voice, movement, clear objectives, tactics, and motivation. 25 points Strong use of four of the five following elements: voice, movement, clear objectives, tactics, and motivation. 22 points Strong use of at least three of the following elements: voice, movement, clear objectives, tactics, and motivation. 20 points Insufficient demonstration of three or more of the following: voice, movement, clear objectives, tactics, and motivation.17 points
Story Actively contributed to the exploration of conflict, and enabled a full story with a satisfying conclusion to form."Accepted" suggestions from fellow actors.Did not block or cancel action. 25 points Attempted to actively contribute to the exploration of conflict, enabling a story to form.OR did not have a satisfying conclusion. Accepted suggestions from fellow actors.Did not block or cancel action. 22 points Did little to move the story along, or, simply repeated actions over and over.Rarely accepted actions offered from fellow actors.Blocked or canceled fewer than 3 times 20 points Did not actively contribute to the advancement of the story, refused to accept actions from fellow actors OR "killed" the scene by blocking, canceling, or using violence 3 or more times. 17 points
Setting Using pantomime skills, established and maintained an appropriate and vivid setting (platform). 25 points For the most part, established and maintained an appropriate and vivid setting. 23 points Established, but did not maintain an appropriate and vivid setting. 20 points Made no attempt at creating a setting through use of pantomime. 18 points
Ensemble Creatively integrated the setting, character, fellow cast members, and story into a cohesive performance. 25 points Integrated 3 of the four elements: character, fellow cast members, setting, story. 23 points Integrated 2 of the four elements: character, fellow cast members, setting, story. 20 points Integrated one or none of the following elements: character, fellow cast members, setting, story.18 points
Group Number: _____________